Monday 23 September 2013

Question 30.

List 5 things you would hope to be remembered for.

1. Loving Jesus.

2. Introducing others to Jesus.

3. Living life to the full.

4. Loving people unconditionally.
5. Working hard.

Question 29.

What do you think people misundertand most about you?

Everything. lol

I haven't fully understood myself yet so I don't expect many others too. I just know there is alot more to me than meets the eye and there are few people that know me, as much as I try to live my life for all to see.

Question 28.

What is your love language?

I would like to say I am all 5. I feel loved by all and give love with all. However, I give & feel most loved with touch or quality time. A good hug brings the barriers down and anyone willing to give you their time, something they will never get back, loves you :) I emphasise 'willing' because there is a difference between spending time with someone and giving someone your quality time.

Question 27.

What is your favorite part of your body and why?

I can't really say I've ever favoured one particular part of my body... but I guess if I had to choose it would be my facial features. I think theyre all pretty well shaped :)

Question 26.

What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

Well, I think there are many, but my number one would have to be the belief that God makes bad things happen. It's still a concept I haven't fully wrapped my head around and Im not sure I will but the underlying thing that I know for certain is that God is good by definition and therefore can't be anything other than good or else he would not be God.

Question 25.

If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

It would have to be my Grandma (Sherwin) & Pop (Tucker) that I never had the chance to meet. I've heard many stories and seen how their lives affected the lives of the people in my life. We'd eat a roast dinner... standard.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Question 24.

Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
My family work well together. Dads always been the man of the house, the one who has the last word and sets the rules. Mums always been right by his side backing him up and making sure we listen. Theres not too much of an age gap between all of us siblings. Me and Ben were first and did everything together...then Meg came along and made it a trio. She didn't  speak throughout her whole childhood though so she just did whatever me and Ben told her to do. Now shes found her voice and has an opinion for everything (which isn't a bad thing) it just means we can't tell her what to do anymore :P. Joe was the surprise baby that I prayed for (sorry Mum). He fitted in just fine, was cute until the age of 12 then he grew. Now he's handsome ;)
Now we're all doing our own thing but still as close if not closer than we were when we were kids. Dad is still the man of the house, Mum is still right by his side, I keep them both very involved in my life because I've learnt through my childhood that they know best.